Lady Thomas was born the middle child of factory working parents in the Midwest.  At the age of 5, she acknowledged Christ and began her journey in Him.  During her sophomore year at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she experienced a deeper encounter with Christ that propelled her into a journey only He could orchestrate.  At a young age, she married Pastor Jimmy Thomas and they served the people of God in four states – Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio as members of the Churches of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Inc. for over 27 years.  In 2003, she relocated to Maryland with Pastor Thomas due to a career change for him.  Until this day, she continues to serve the people of God now as First Lady of New Hope Church of Christ.

An anointed psalmist, Lady Thomas has been blessed to sing both as a soloist and chorus member locally and nationally as well as guide other singers as a choir director at the local, state and international levels.  As an anointed teacher she has participated as a Sunday school instructor and conference speaker inspiring attendees in their walk with Christ.  As a member in the local church, she has yielded her gift of administration to various committees and departments.

Professionally, Lady Thomas is currently a Senior Project Manager in the healthcare industry.  Personally, she and Pastor Thomas are blessed with two sons – Zachary (wife Clarisa) and Philip (wife Jocelyn) and are the doting grandparents of five grandchildren.

Lady Thomas desires to show any and everyone just how much Christ in their life can make anything better and strives to live so others can see it.